Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well I have to do a post about my appendix because I got a lot of cool stuff from it! So, short story version: I woke up at 5:00 am on Friday the 22nd with a pain in the center of my torso. I decided to wait it out. About 9:00 I started throwing up too, and then an hour or so later I decided it really wasn't a normal pain and had Ryan take me to the doctor. I have to say, I definitely wasn't expecting him to say it was my appendix. Anyway, they did surgery, but just the kind where they make small holes to get in, not one big cut, so I have three small incisions. And now I feel better! Tada!
So, I have to say, the hospital experience wasn't as bad as I thought. I had to spend the night and I thought I would get really bored or something but I just got to sleep all the time and get taken care of and I didn't really want to go home.

Mom and Dad came up, and they got me the flowers shown above, and a chocolate cake(for my birthday)! I really have enjoyed both so much! Dad the handyman saw our pathetic hose shower and decided to make us a real one. It works so nice! I love to shower now! Thanks Dad.
I got to take home this cool water bottle and booties! I love free stuff.I have also gotten free food from people in my ward which has been really helpful. Thanks everyone who helped us out!

1 comment:

Syl said...

I like the trade you made....appendix for cute booties and a water jug! A pretty good exchange I think. So glad you are feeling better! We were happy to come and be with you.