Monday, August 18, 2008


Thanks to the helpful hint from Mom, I am posting a blog even though I don't really have much to say. Oh, I can post on Twilight. Everyone I know has read or is reading this series. I finally caved in and am on the 4th one. I have mixed feelings on this book series though. It definitely caught me and I was trapped into being a book zombie, but man, it really brings back those silly high school hormones that I prefer not to remember. I did like that the writing was in a different style than I am used to. I am not even sure how to describe the style, but it was a different point of view or something. It was a refresher.

Oh, one more bit of my life, my tomato plant produced its first tomato!!!! That is very exciting to me because my plants usually(or actually always) die on me. I was gone a week though and so I think it is dying on me now. At least I got one morsel from it.

1 comment:

Syl said...

Congratulations on your tomato....keep watering your plant, it might come back. Thanks for the new post. I could have used a picture from your tomato plant, but will be satisfied with your posting.