Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Facts of Life

Several people have answered these on their blog and I liked the idea so I am joining in.

I know: that there is so much to learn and I forget it anyway.

I have: dance dance revolutions waiting for me to play

I wish: I had tried harder to learn while in school

I smell: bad when I don't shower :)

I miss: the piano department

I hate: rude people. They infuriate me

I fear: people, they intimidate me

I crave: sleep and peace

I search: the scriptures

I regret: not practicing my piano more

I love: being with Ryan and having a day off with nothing planned to do

I always: read a book

I believe: people shouldn't be so stupid.

I dance: the cha cha, my favorite!

I sing: when no one is around

I don't always: use my brain

I am not: social, but sometimes I wish I knew how to be.

I write: beginnings of stories a lot, but never finish them

I lose: my train of thought a lot

I win: Egyptian Rat Screw, the best card game in the world.

I never: try hard enough

I listen: to classical music, and lately opera.

I am scared: of people dying

I am happy about: my life. I have a great husband, and I still have lots of time to keep working on things.


Syl said...

that was fun to read! Dad & I noticed how happy and content you are with Ryan and he with you and it made us happy!

Terry Neff Allen said...

Isn't that great how happy they are together. Having Becky a part of my family makes me happy, too.

Wohlwends said...

Becky, I found you!! Glad you are enjoying married life! Its me Jen (mcArthur) email me at socalwohlwends@yahoo.com!