Thursday, February 26, 2009

Search for a camera

I really would like to get a camera finally. However, I don't know what is good and what isn't. Will you write a comment and tell me about a camera you have/had and what you liked or didn't like? I especially don't want one that takes several seconds to take the picture after you push the button.
Thanks for your help!!


Lonna said...

well hello Becky. I am impressed to see that you are still on a camera hunt. I will tell you about my former camera that is MIA as of recent weeks, it was the Nikon coolpix and I have to say that I really liked it.

It was just a point and shoot, but it had a lot of different settings that you could adjust to for better pictures in certain situations, like outdoor at night, or inside party, or if you were at a lake, handy things to have just in case.

It also shot video that came out really good. And you could adjust things on that too. It is very reasonably priced, and comes in quite a few colors if you want something a little unique. Light weight (nice for not adding a ton of weight to my bag) and handy to use.
The one that we had before that was a Cannon elph and it was nice, sturdy, and small, but took a long time to digest from photo to photo, it didn't do so well for fast picture taking.

These are the only two that we have actually owned,nothing fancy or photography worthy here, so good luck in your search.

Syl said...

We got advice from Ryan about LCD screens. It is a Song Cyber-shot DSC W50. I really like it because it does regular photos and good videos with just the change of a button. The cheapest camera prices were at Sam's Club, which, lucky you, you have a card to.

Tannie Smith said...

Canon. Canon all the way.