Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Food OCD?

Ryan and I were talking about food OCD people. We are both in that category, along with other family members. How many of you have the same symptoms? Here is how you know:
1. You sort your M&M's by color (and other candy) in your hand.
2. You have to eat the M&M's in a way that a pattern is kept. Examples: If Ryan has two blue, two orange, and one green, he has to eat one blue, and one orange, to equal one of each color left. On the other hand, you might follow my pattern, where if you have the above amounts, you eat the green one because it is the odd one out, thus maintaining equality.
3. You can't eat the same color twice.
4. Even if all colors taste the same, you eat specific colors first, and save your favorite colors for last.

I am sure there are other signs. These are just a few we noticed. Please share your OCD food story, I know you have one...


Christopher J Barlow said...

Yes I do that when I eat any colored candy. I also can not have my food touching (Green beans can not touch potatoes). I also have to separate mixed food (Mixed Vegetables, Separate and eat each one individually). I am working on these because if I get a mixed dish it takes me forever to eat because I am separating all of it, and then it is cold. I think I am doing better.

Christopher J Barlow

Anonymous said...

You guys are so strange, whose has candy in their hand long enough to sort it. What's wrong with you!!! It's candy.

jen B.

Megan said...

I have the same problem. Did you know that you can buy M&M's in all one color. It is the OCD dream come true! LOL!

Syl said...

I just eat and eat and eat all those peanut M & M's. Never accrued to me to separate them, my OCD behavior shows up in other areas. My candy OCD is pure!

Brent said...

Forget the color. My goal is get them in my mouth as quickly as possible!

everyone's friend said...

When I am eating fruit snacks I have to eat the ones that taste the worst first so I don't eat them last and have that gross taste in my mouth when I am done(I can't waste it). And I save my favorite kind for last, then I eat them slowly and enjoy them for a lot longer than the ones that are just ok. Or if its the first time I am having that kind of fruit snack I have to try each one to see which is my favorite, if I only have one of each kind it makes me hesitate and very reluctant to eat them because who knows I could accidentally save the grossest one for last. I choose which ones I am going to eat very cautiously. I know this is all very silly but I can never get myself to just throw a bunch in my mouth when they have different flavors.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky,
I know you didn't know I look at your blog but I do Sometimes. I jump here from Megans. Anyway I couldn't help comment on this blog because according to your discription I too have food OCD. Not only do I organize, seperate, and color code all my candy; when I eat a bowl of cereal like fruit loops or trix I find myself trying the same thing with them, and thats not easy in a bowl of milk.