Monday, February 9, 2009

Left or Right?

K, just about everyone picked the boring goal. No, I am not trying to run the mile without dying. Sadly, I gave up on that a long time ago.
I am actually learning to write with my right hand. Why, you ask? I have no idea actually. I can't remember why I started. I started June(I think) last year just writing a small amount everyday. The past week or so it has finally gotten legible and more comfortable! It was an exciting breakthrough.
Maybe I am just preparing for the day I break my left hand...


Syl said...

I have heard it said that if you write things with the opposite hand you write with you get a more honest answer, so maybe that is why you are learning to write with your right hand. You are exploring your inner self!

Lonna said...

So are you trying to say that you are planning on breaking your left arm? I hope that you are not plotting out ways to do such a thing. You do realize that you will have to wear a cast/club if you do.

I just want you to know the danger of doing such things is all. But on the up side you out of everyone else that breaks their arms will still be able to write. How clever of you.