Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well, today was my last day at the UPS store. It hasn't really hit home yet. I am sad though to leave my boss, coworkers, and a few regular customers. Sometimes I really hate getting attached to people because eventually you have to say goodbye. I wont miss the grumpy customers though. Let me tell you, there are plenty of those. I discovered there are many people out there who are onery complainers and I don't like them. I know, I am an onery complainer, but at least I am only like that with people who know me and can just ignore me or get onery back without getting in trouble, and not to innocent workers who are just doing their job and have no escape. Well there was a vent I wasn't really planning on posting but I did. Anyway, back to happier things, my new job, for those of you who have not heard, is as a librarian assistant in inter-library loans at the USU library. It is a salary job, and a job that I want and don't just need! I have wanted to work in a library again and I absolutely love the library on campus so it is a double scoop of goodness. I start Monday. I am nervous. I am also happy that I can see Ryan at lunch and we can carpool. I get to wear real clothes(no uniform) and have an identity again. And, I get to wear my wedding ring!!!!! I kept bending the prongs on it at my old job so I could only wear it on weekends.
Well, Brad, Candice, Heath, Kody, Aubree, and you nice customers, I will miss you a lot. You have been great, and have become my friends. Thanks for everything.


Anonymous said...

Don't go back to school, have babies instead. David

Mindy said...

I agree. Babies are fun. No matter what Ryan says, they are the best toys we could ever get!

Anonymous said...

I don't know where all the baby talk came from but I'm so exicited you got that job! I hadn't heard you got it. I love libraries! Yeah becca way to continue the tradition. You didn't say does this mean Ryan can get reduced tution?
