Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hiking part 1

Ryan and I decided to hike to the wind caves. Pretty much everyone here has done so and we figured we should too. Ryan thought it was cool to the the mountains shadow on the other mountain.
More mountains
This is to show the road below us.
These are smaller caves we saw on the way up.
We ran into a rattler though! I was in front and was within 6 inch- 1 foot of this snake before I saw it, and I saw it moving and backed up before I knew what kind it was. It was rattling but it took a bit to realize it because I was shocked. I think we scared it more cause we were walking really fast and were loud. Anyway, no harm done, we scared it more so it would get away from the trail and continued on.


Anonymous said...

Snakes....ewwwww!!! I really can't stand snakes, just saying the word "Snake" sends shivers up and down my spine. The pictures from your hike are very beautiful. What a great area to hike, was it hard at all?? Thanks for posting pictures.


Syl said...

Here is us???? Come now Becky, is that anyway for a college graduate to type?? Here we are is the correct way to say that. Anyway, the hike looks really steep and long and I am impressed you climbed it! Congratulations, I can see why you are sore now.