Monday, July 28, 2008


I got more "Yes" answers on my poll then I thought I would. I am really interested to hear the story behind them! I will start with my story. Post a comment with yours, if you would!
About 2 years ago, I woke up to a NASTY taste in my mouth. You know how a stink bug smells? It tasted like that smell. I went in the bathroom and rinsed my mouth out and all this black stuff came out! It was so gross! Then, only a month or so later while I was in Germany, the same thing happened!!

Speaking of bugs, Ryan and I found a huge spider in our house (2 inches across) and we spent a while on the internet determining for sure what kind it was. It was a wolf spider like we thought, but we learned about several other types of spiders that are really cool! Anyone who is interested should look up fishing spiders. They are big! Ryan put the spider in the freezer so we could study it without it moving around so much. He left it in longer than we meant too... Oh well. It looks small in this picture but that is because half of it is on the side of the cup. It could have spanned the whole cup.


Megan said...

Becky- That is sick and wrong!!

Heather said...


Syl said...

I could have done without the picture of the spider, but it certainly is interesting. Did the spider live or die from the freezer? box elder bugs just go to sleep and then wake up again when it is warm.