Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Getting big

Ryan found these two pictures of Ellie in his phone from when she was new. Sooo cute!

Here is my baby today, learning to clap. Her top front teeth just broke through on Sunday so now she has 4 teeth! Such a big girl.
I seem to have forgotten to post that my baby can crawl now. Life has become a whole new adventure.


Syl said...

Wow! There is quite a contrast between then and now. I can't believe how grown up she is now. i am glad her teeth have come through....until the next teeth come in enjoy the calm before the next storm.

Terry Neff Allen said...

Those eyes just melt me! My arms ache to squeeze her, too! Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

What a doll!
love, Linda

Leslie said...

Ok tell her to stop growing up because we haven't even met her yet! Crawling for real?!
Also, your post about making choices at the grocery store told my life story...It does not help that I'm so indecisive!! I tell you shopping trips anywhere can be torturous. I am really going to try saying that chant, who cares if people think you are crazy- if you come out actually making a decision on string cheese I'd say the event was victorious.