Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Games and babies

Ryan and I played 10,000 the other day. He got to 7450 before I even got on the board!!! By that point we were both hoping I wouldn't get on, to see if he could get all the way to 10,000 without me scoring. He came close.

My cute baby. No more needs to be said.


Syl said...

she is a darling baby! I love seeing her pictures! Congratulations Ryan on your 10,000 score. We made a 'skunk' score that if one of you is 5,000 more than the opponent the game is over and you are 'skunked'. It is too hard to never have scoring dice!

The Boswells said...

I love your pictures of your baby, she is such a doll! IS is sleeping by herself or at least going down by herself? Or did you give up for now?