Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sections 3 & 4

Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress
The President has to give Congress information once in a while on how the country is doing (usually yearly). The President also gives his agenda and priorities for the Nation.
The President can call a special session of Congress. If the 2 houses can't agree on a date to meet, the President can choose the time.
The President is to receive foreign Ambassadors.
The President is responsible for making sure that laws are faithfully executed.
The President commissions the officers of the United States such as military and Foreign Service.

Section 4 - Disqualification
If the President, Vice President, or other civil officers of the U.S. are convicted of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, they will be removed from office on Impeachment.

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