Friday, August 28, 2009


Ryan and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary and went to Salt Lake for a couple of days.

This is Ryan's idea of a vacation

The canoe said "sit here for pictures" so what could we do but obey?

This was a really crazy fish and it makes me laugh. It seems like it is all dressed up in a silly costume for a play.

Seahorses are just cool. They had quite a variety of colors. It was fun to see what kinds of things they would hang onto with their tails.

Jellyfish are by far my favorite sea animal to look at! Their movements are just so smooth! They had a great display of 3 different kinds of jellies, and all decent sized. This one in the picture is probably 7 inches across the top.

What we did not pictured:
1. Went to the Salt Lake Temple to do a session. We wanted to see the inside and experience it. It was neat, but I still like Manti better. We were really lucky though because we barely made the session and it was a small one (baby + bladder = no good), so it wasn't an extra long one like we were told. I enjoyed seeing the inside finally.
2. Eat (Pizza, Chilies, Sweet tomatoes)
3. Ryan took me shopping for my birthday (he hates shopping so it was a big sacrifice). We found some new shoes!
4. You don't really think I am going to tell you EVERYTHING do you?

Happy 2nd Ryan!


Syl said...

I love the jelly fishes and sea horses. It sounds like a lot of fun and I am glad you celebrated the beginning of your family!

Lonna said...

Happy Anniversary!! It sounds like fun. I love that you were able to get away somewhere, and do things that are special. I will admit that I have never done a session in the SLC temple so I am jealous.

I love seahorses too, funny enough I learned a ton about them last year when Gwen was in preschool and I had to teach the lesson on them, the really are so fascinating.

New shoes are always a good thing and I love that Ryan was able to make that sacrifice for you to go shopping, sometimes it is good for them to take a hit to their pride.

Bring on the next year, and Allen #3!