Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Ryan, Ross, and I went on a bike ride the other day, and we picked up a friend! The poor thing was being blown away by the wind, and trying to cross a LONG stretch of road. We couldn't leave him there, so we helped him on his way (hopefully we didn't put him back where he had just journeyed from). Isn't he cute? The picture is fuzzy, but that is a fuzzy caterpillar. I believe it is called a woolly bear caterpillar.


Anonymous said...

That is the exact caterpillar my kids keep asking to get and keep. Tell him I'm putting them off for as long as possible.


Leslie said...

Hmmm, cut and paste to Jen's comment...the twins would go ballistic. Wouldn't you love one of those crawling around your bed at night? We would. Though I have to admit he is pretty cute.