Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wait until the fat lady sings.

Apparently I got excited too soon. See, it has been snowing on and off ALL DAY. Why? Why is there snow? We have nice nice weather, warm, spring, and then it changes drastically. I just don't understand. I don't know why I am surprised. It happens every year. Still, it baffles me every time.


Lonna said...

BOO for snow!!! I was so excited to see that you had entered into the world of spring, alas it was all a tricky joke from Mother Nature. Grrr, I guess that you should have stayed in Texas, just kidding.

Syl said...

We woke up to 5 inches of snow this morning and the clouds look like we could have more! I call this the teaser weather, on again off again Spring. I am glad you got your pictures, that may be all the spring we get!