Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Not all cops are bad.

Half of you know about Ryan and I getting pulled over on our way to Texas. The cop said we were going 90 MPH when we were going 70. We were frustrated and not happy about the $200 ticket. However, Ryan called them today and they said the cop actually dropped all charges. He thinks there was something wrong with his Radar! How awesome is that! I was so excited I had to share.


Mindy said...

That is sooo awesome!! Perhaps we can have faith in the system again! Perhaps...

Brian and Alicia said...

Wow, I have never heard of a cop doing that. You guys are sooo lucky! Hopefully the next time I get a ticket, that will happen to me. :)

Syl said...

Wow! I am so surprised! I am glad you passed along good policeman stories.