Monday, December 15, 2008

This is for you Texans

Snow Snow Snow!!!!!


Syl said...

You sure got more snow that we did! Perfect Christmas weather!

Wohlwends said...

Wow..what a beautiful site! Here in Cali we have to actually go up to the "mountains" to play in the Except the victorville area just got hit hard with Snow!

Lonna said...

Becky something is wrong with your pictures I can't see much it is all blurry and white...Oh wait a second is that what you are talking about?

I was talking to your mom on the phone today and she said that they are in the single digit temps, and I checked ours...a mere 78˚, not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Let us know when you get tired of shoveling, we will be glad to have you take a little break with us.