Tuesday, December 9, 2008


When you get the desire to be more healthy, especially in terms of food, what do you do? Do you go to a library and look at books? Or search the internet? If so, do you follow the advice of "the China Study" and stay away from all animal protein especially milk? Or do you follow the many books on the benefits of milk. Or do you follow the food pyramid? Is organic really organic? Are we all going to die because of our greasy food? Are we going to have health problems because we eat vegetables sprayed with pesticide? Are we going to die of malnutrition if we become animal friendly and thus vegetarian? Or should I go the Atkins way and eat all the meat and fat I want?
Seriously, I have found only contradicting articles and books on healthy eating and I am at a complete loss on what is good for me and what isn't! Each person has also backed up their information with research to "prove" they are right, but they can't all be right!
The most I can do, is compare them to the Word of Wisdom and go from there.
Anyone have any tips?


Anonymous said...

Hey bec,

we had the same problem so we went with the word of wisdom and eating slow! Garrett wasn't happy with the eat meat sparingly but for I pulled it off. Personally I wouldn't worry to much about Organic not only is it 3 x the price but it's going to soap or a organic cow or something that will kill you in the end anyway. Actually if through eating healthy you live to a really old age, you will be sorry by the time anyway and ready to go but can't because you too healthy!


Christopher J Barlow said...

When I decided to eat healthy I went for the diabetic diet. Because it runs in our family I decided that to prevent this would be healthy for me. I think you have to define what healthy means for you. Is it to lose weight, to have lower cholesterol, or many of the other facts and diets. Once you decide this then you will know how to eat and you will be healthy.
Christopher J Barlow

Syl said...

I'm with you Becky! Moderation as defined in the Word of Wisdom is what I am working on.

Anonymous said...

Most dietitians and health guru's actually agree with what is a healthy form of eating (based on number of proteins and stuff that you should be eating). You are confusing those diet/loose weight fast plans as a form of being healthy, when really they mess up your body's metabolism and could have a lasting negative effect, but they will help you loose weight in the short run. Talk with James, he knows of a lot of really good sources for eating right.


Brent said...

We're all going to die anyway. Eat what you want!