Monday, July 13, 2009


I have a little trouble remembering to communicate my thoughts to others, I just assume they know my intentions. (Seriously, how come you don't just know?). I got several comments about how Ryan didn't get a birthday post. The idea was that spouses of my siblings get a blog post, and siblings get a phone call. I guess that isn't good enough I will do both. Here is a late one for Ryan, and to make up for it's lateness he will get 10 things listed.

RYAN BARLOW (also known as Henry)

1. He has the arguing power to convince anyone of anything...and make them do what he wants.
2. He is really talented at art
3. He is really talented with the guitar
4. He is very creative and is always thinking up new ideas with James
5. He is fun to be around
6. He kicks everyone's butts at Mario Kart (and basically anything else if you give him the chance)
7. He is a good husband
8. He has beautiful girls
9. He is pretty smart
10. He is patient and understanding


Syl said...

Yeah Ryan!

Anonymous said...

Not henry, Ramon! or Ezra! or...


Lonna said...

I am sure that you made his day for sure when he was the one that got 10 things and not five. I bet he really feels loved thanks to you.