Friday, July 9, 2010


Our friends Mark and JanaLee came to visit us. We got to spend a couple of great days with them! We hiked up to the lovely wind caves. The trail is such a nice one. Mostly shaded, not too steep, and you get to see cool caves at the end. If you recall last time Ryan and I went, we almost stepped on a rattler. This time, no rattlers. We did however see several other kinds of snakes. There is something so refreshing about a hike. You are just away from everything crazy and distracting. You feel like you can breathe. You forget what you were worried about earlier, or the long list of things to do.
I think I am going to take the dogs up there...and leave I can't hear them barking...dumb dogs. Does that make me a horrible person?


NomadPhysicist said...

I had forgotten how beautiful the mounains of Utah can be. Thanks for the reminder! We had a fun couple days.

Syl said...

I am glad you didn't find any rattlers! How fun to spend time with friends! (when you guys were little we received and gave away many dogs. they are took difficult to have around with small children or babies)

The Boswells said...

Will you take mine too? I don't mind being a bad person if you are one too.