Monday, January 18, 2010

Pickle whom I love

For those who have not heard, my baby is breech and they tried to turn her this morning and were unsuccessful. There is still a small chance she will turn on her own, but not too likely at this point. So I have a scheduled C-section for Feb 3! I have mixed feelings about it, but really I just want her here safe, so even if it isn't how I planned, I am still ok with it. That is coming up soon folks! Only 2 weeks and 2 days and my bundle of joy will be here!!


Lonna said...

maybe you should have Ryan work on a new animation...pretty sure it will be a lot easier for him if they just hand him a baby, no catching, and just think you won't have to do any pushing!! Just go to the hospital and 30 minutes later you will have a baby. Just like that.

I suppose that this takes the surprise element out of things and you will no longer need a bag packed at each location you spend time at. You better stock up on all the sleep you can in the next two weeks because you are in for some fun.

Shauna said...

The same thing happened to me with Kristine. C-sections are okay too. Each birth is a miracle, no matter how you get them here.

The georgia peach said...

sorry to hear about having to have a C-section hope all goes well. cant wait to see pictures.

nancy said...

Becky, you have the cutest bump ever. It's like you swallowed a watermelon and haven't gained a pound anywhere else. It's no fair how some people blow up like blimps (sadly, like me) and some just like cute and pregnant! Can't wait to see pictures of her! Good luck w/everything. Love, Nancy

Leslie said...

Yes I agree, that is an unsuspecting bump- no baby anywhere else. So cute!
I think there are advantages to the c-section, for one you don't have to play the waiting game, and for two, a c-section is much more husband friendly if you ask me! No opportunities to "help" with the pushing-just emotional support. However, I was surprised how willing my doctor was to take Liv VBAC so it was good to experience both. I'm sure we'll swap stories someday! Good luck Becky! You will be such a great mom!

Lonna said...

you are just days are you feeling?

Brian and Alicia said...

That's too bad about the C-section but there are so many good reasons about them! Plus you know exactly when your baby is due!! I'm so excited for you and I agree with all the comments. You really do have the cutest baby bump. When I was pregnant, everyone kept thinking I was pregnant with twins, I had shot out soo far!