Sunday, October 19, 2008


I don't know what it is about pictures, but they always look so much different than things really are. Anyway, this is my new haircut that looks better in real life(I hope). The first picture is my attempt at making a model face like they have in the hair magazines. I love having short hair! My long hair was just in the way all the time, and short hair is so freeing.

Friday, October 17, 2008


It is about time I updated my blog. I just have been so busy getting used to my new schedule and Ryan uses the computer for homework so I don't get to use it much :)
I know most of you know already, but I got a new job. I work in the Interlibrary Services department at the USU library. It is a great job for me, and it has a few nice perks. Take for instance, the fact that I now have access to a very large faculty/staff lunchroom that has a kitchen so I don't have to each sandwiches for lunch everyday anymore!!!!! I get to wear my wedding ring now, which I couldn't before at the UPS store because I kept catching the prongs on things and almost loosing my diamond. Also, I get to wear real clothes again! It is like I got my personality back or something. I no longer have to wear a uniform. I also get to eat lunch with Ryan M,W,F, and we carpool each day. I have access to a gym. Ryan gets half tuition next semester. I don't have to stand all day. I don't have to deal with customers, especially the grumpy ones. I love the campus atmosphere and it is fun to be around it again. Our insurance is better and WAY cheaper. Besides these added benefits, I like the job, I like the people, and all in all, it is a much better suited job for me.